Morphine Modulation Panel
Modulation is essential to give sounds a natural and interesting quality.
- PITCH-BEND AMOUNT - Global Pitch-Bend setting (in semi-tones).
Modulation Matrix Controls
The Modulation Matrix provides the opportunity to set 12 Source to Destination relationships within Morphine.
- SOURCE - Each of the 12 Source fields contains a drop-down menu to select from the options.
- AMOUNT - Modifies the Modulation relationship (-100% to 100%). Minus values invert the relationship, that is as the Modulation Source increases the Destination decreases.
- DESTINATION - Each of the 12 Destination fields contains a drop-down menu to select from the Modulation target options.
EG Envelope (Envelope Generator)
There are 4 Envelope Generators that provide customisable Modulation Envelopes. The EG Envelopes may be synced to tempo or time. To edit an Envelope select the switch EG 1 to 4 to the right side of the
display. These appear as Modulation Source options in the Modulation Matrix (Envelope 1 to 4).
- Add Envelope Marker - Right-click (or Alt + Left-click) at the place where the Marker should appear. Both the level and time are selected on the basis of the cursor position.
- Delete Envelope Marker - Right-click (or Alt + Left-click) the Marker.
- ENVELOPE (drop down menu):
- Import / Export Envelope - Import or export envelopes using saved files. Drag-n-drop is supported.
- Copy / Paste - Copy and paste envelopes.
- Reset - Blank default.
- LOOP (drop down menu):
- Off - No looping. The envelope plays through to the last point and holds that value.
- Forward - The loop will jump back to the loop start each time it reaches the loop end.
- Backward - The envelope will play to the loop end then play backward to the loop start, jump to the loop end again and repeat this process.
- Ping-Pong - The loop will bounce back and forth between the start and end positions.
- RELEASE LOOP - When the Release Loop button is enabled, the Envelope will break out of the looped section and jump to the next Envelope Marker after the loop end point.
- TEMPO SYNC - Changes the envelope to play back in sync with the host tempo. The time display ruler will change to beats.
- BIPOLAR - Changes the envelope to Bipolar mode, that is -100% to 100%. 0 % in the middle, as shown by the horizontal line.
- RATE - Changes the envelope playback speed, right = faster, left = slower. The default value = 0.0, no change. NOTE: The time-base changes so the breakpoints are displayed against their correct
time values in ruler below.
- K-TRK (Keyboard Tracking) - Acts as an envelope playback speed modifier in response to keyboard/note position. When positive values are set the higher keys will progress through the Envelope
faster. Negative values will cause lower notes to progress through the Envelope slower.
- V-TRK (Velocity Tracking) - Acts as an envelope playback speed modifier in response to note velocity. Positive values will speed the Envelope with higher velocities, negative values will slow the Envelope
with increasing velocity.
- VEL RESPONSE (Velocity Response) - Acts as an envelope playback speed modifier in response to note velocity. Positive values will speed the Envelope with higher velocities, negative values will slow the Envelope
with increasing velocity.