Ogun can produce exceptionally rich metallic and shimmering timbres, although it's not limited to this genre. Ogun's distinctive synthesis engine can generate more than 32,000 harmonics, modulated by high-level 'harmonic mapping' functions, that hand tonal control directly to the user. See Ogun Related plugin: Autogun, free preset version. Use the Options > Enter random preset number field to share Autogun patches with Ogun.
Ogun and real-time CPU loadOgun generally presents a low CPU load to the host and has been designed to spread multiple instances of the plugin across multi-core CPU's. However, it is possible to experience audio dropouts during real-time playback while the average CPU load still appears low due to a non-uniform CPU usage. This non-uniformity comes from the, sometimes heavy, FFT processing (calculation of the waveform) for the harmonic series. Strategies for maximizing real-time performance of Ogun are:
Click on the following sections to openMain PageMaster ControlsSynthesis ControlsEffects ControlsProgramming OgunPlugin Credits - Code & GUI: Didier Dambrin. |